It’s about the people
This entire hospital stay Dad has had has been the same theme: it’s not about me, it’s about the people.
People came to visit him and the first question he asks from his bed, whether it be in CCU or on a less scary floor, to his guest is “How are you?” And the thing is? He wants to know. He may have 8 broken ribs, but what we are going through is more important to him as the fact that it hurts when he breathes.
He started each shift with the nurse telling them “I just want to make your job easy.” He said thank you and I appreciate your care to as many people as he could. One of the nurses told us she didn’t know how to respond because she was more used to abuse than kindness. His response? “It shouldn’t be that way! You give us good care.”
Each person that came to see him had a story of how he’s touched their life by caring for them.
We even had a CCU nurse that fell in love with our family because we all do our best to live with kindness and respect others. She came to me when we found out that my dad might not have much time left, before he decided to Live. When she saw me we cried together because he is such a great person. He truly is a light on a hill, the salt of the earth and a great bearer of the name Christian.
So when you go out today, remembering IS all about the people. You lose nothing by being kind and, as a matter of fact, you will get more good things since we reap what we sow!
Oh my gosh.... How wonderfully made is Dick Laughlin. I love his heart. His spirit. His constant deliberate care for others above himself. He makes it look easy. And I know it can't possibly be. He IS that shining light on hill for sure! He has that easy, natural way about him that everyone feels at home in his presence. He is inclusive and so so funny. I just LOVE him! <3 Praying comfort, strength and God's thick, wonderful presence to pour out over him, around him and carry him. And the rest of the family as well. Much love to you all. Thank you for making this world a better place.